Conference Program

Plenary Sessions

Monday, 24 June 2024
03:00PM | Reception & Registration

04:00 PM | Opening Ceremony 

A moment of silence in memory of the victims who were brutally murdered in the October 7 barbaric attack, and the IDF soldiers and security forces who fell in the swords of iron war 

Israel’s Strategic Balance: Strength or Weakness?

Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead, Executive Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Chairman, Annual Herzliya Conference Series, Reichman University

Hamas’ Gender-Based Atrocities as a Strategy 

The First Lady of the State of Israel
H.E. Mrs. Michal Herzog
In an interview with:
Miri Michaeli, Chief News Anchor, i24NEWS, Journalist, Communicator and Lecturer

Screams Before Silence
The viewing of a segment of the documentary on the gender-based violent crimes committed by Hamas during the brutal October 7 attack
A Special Message From:
Sheryl Sandberg, Founder of the Sandberg Goldberg Bernthal Family Foundation,
Led the Screams Before Silence Documentary

A Conversation with The Executive Producer of Screams Before Silence:
Joey Low, Founder of “Israel At Heart” and Star Farm Ventures

Meirav Leshem Gonen
Mother of Romi Gonen, who was kidnapped and has been brutally held hostage in Gaza for 263 days

Moderator: Roni (Fantanesh) Malkai, Social Activist, Attorney & Journalist

Hon. Yariv Fisher
Mayor of the city of Herzliya, Israel


In-Depth Trends in Israeli Society

A Review of the Herzliya Conference Annual Survey
Lior Akerman, Research Fellow, Head of National Resilience Section, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Reichman University

The U.S.-Israel Strategic Relationship: The View From Washington

Dr. Phil Gordon
Assistant to the President of the United States and National Security Advisor to the Vice President of the United States

The October 7 Murderous Attack:
Are Strategic Surprises Preventable?

Lt. Gen. (res.) MK Gadi Eisenkot
Former Israeli War Cabinet Minister; The 21st IDF Chief of General Staff
In an interview with:
Ben Caspit, Journalist and Senior Commentator, Maariv, Radio 103, Meet the Press, Channel 12 News

Moderated Discussion:

Tamir Pardo, Former Head of the Mossad

Maj Gen. (res.) Noam Tibon, Former Commander of the Northern Corps, IDF

Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead

Moderator: Ben Caspit

Is the Governmental Coup Ongoing? What are Its Implications?

A One-on-One Conversation:

Prof. Suzie Navot, Vice President (Research), The Israel Democracy Institute

Prof. Jonathan Gershoni, Tel Aviv University 

Hélène Le Gal
Managing Director for Middle East and North Africa,
European External Action Service

H.E Amb. Jacob J. Lew
U.S. Ambassador to Israel
In a conversation with:
Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead


Keynote Address:

H.E. Annalena Baerbock
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal 
Republic of Germany
Q&A session moderated by:
 Amb. Jeremy Issacharoff
Former Israel's Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany

Moderator: Jonathan Davis
Vice President for External Relations & Head of the Raphael Recanati International School, Reichman University

Tuesday, 25 June 2024
08:15AM | Registration and Reception
09:00AM | Morning Sessions

The Chief of Israel Police Address
Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai

The Strategic Struggle Between the Iranian Axis and Israel – Where Are We Heading?

Moderated Discussion:

Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin, Former Commander of the Israeli Air Force (IAF)

Sima Shine, Head of the Iran and the Shia Axis Program, Institute For National Security Studies (INSS)

Gideon Frank, Former Head of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission; Chairman of the Council, Technion

Elliott AbramsFormer Deputy Assistant to the U.S. President for Middle East Policy & Deputy National Security Adviser; Senior fellow for Middle Eastern Studies (CFR), Washington, D.C.

Moderator: Udi Segal, Chief Political Correspondent & Anchor, Channel 13 News; Sammy Ofer School of Communications, Reichman University

Hon. Tzachi Hanegbi
National Security Adviser, Head of the National Security Council,
Prime Minister’s Office, Israel

In an interview with: Dr. Shay Har-Zvi, Research Fellow, Head of the International and Middle East Arenas, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Reichman University; Former Acting Director General, Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs

The Global Order – Is the World Changing Its Course?

Moderated Discussion:
Hon. Roderich Kiesewetter, Member of the the Foreign Affairs Committee, The German Parliament (Bundestag)

Antonia Dimou, Director, Middle East and Persian Gulf Unit, Institute for Security and Defense Analysis, Greece
Prof. Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky, Head of the Honors Track in Strategy, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Reichman University
Moderator: Shashank JoshiThe Economist‘s Defence Editor

Interview with:
Chair of The Histadrut Address
(The General Organization of Workers in Israel) 

Arnon Bar-David

Chair of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee
MK Yoel (Yuli) Edelstein
In a conversation with:
Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead

Leader of the Knesset Opposition Address
MK Yair Lapid

Former Israeli Prime Minister

The National Resilience Balance: Has the Contract Between the State and its Citizens Been Breached?

Eyal Waldman, 2024 Israel Prize Laureate in Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation; Chairman, Waldo Holdings; Former President & CEO of Mellanox

In an interview with: Hen Zender, Journalist, News Anchor, Channel 13 News, Israel

Adv. Dr. Eliad Shraga, Founder and Chairman, The Movement for Quality Government in Israel

In an interview with: Lior Akerman, Research Fellow, Head of the National Resilience Section, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Reichman University

Israel’s Minister of Education Address
Hon. Yoav Kisch

National Security Challenges Tested by Evolving Threats

Brig Gen. (res.) Aviv Tamir
Head of Israel, Strategic Unit, Israel Aerospace Industries

12:40 PM  | Lunch Break

01:30 PM | Afternoon Sessions

Israel Without the U.S. – Can This Be?

Moderated Discussion:

Dr. Victoria Coates, Former Deputy National Security Advisor to the U.S. President; Vice President, Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, The Heritage Foundation

Lt. Gen. (res.) Moshe (Bogie) Yaalon, Former Minister of Defense; The 17th IDF Chief of General Staff

David Makovsky, Director, Koret Project on Arab-Israel Relations, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, U.S.
Prof. Yossi Shain, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University; Georgetown University, Washington D.C.; Assistant to the President and a Representative of Brandeis University in Israel
Moderator: Gil Tamary, Chief International News Editor and Commentator,
Channel 13 News

U.S.-Israel Relations: What’s Next?

Ambassadors Talk:

Amb. Zalman Shoval, ​Former Ambassador of Israel to the U.S.

Amb. Danny Ayalon, ​​Former Ambassador of Israel to the U.S. and Deputy Foreign Minister; Chairman, Silver Road Capital

Moderator: Tal Schneider, Political & Diplomatic Correspondent, The Times of Israel


The War in Gaza: Its Impact on Israel’s Status Internationally and Soaring Antisemitism as an Evolving Threat

The Ninth President of Brandeis University, U.S. Address
Prof. Ronald D. Liebowitz

Irina Nevzlin, Chair, Board of Directors, Anu - Museum of the Jewish People; President, Nadav Foundation; Founder & Chair, Improvate; Author of The Impact of Identity - The Power of Knowing Who You Are

In an interview with: Roni (Fantanesh) Malkai, Social Activist, Attorney & Journalist

The Global Campaign for the Return of Hostages Held By Hamas Terrorists In the Gaza Strip
Rachel Goldberg
Mother of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who was kidnapped and has been brutally held hostage in Gaza for 263 days

The Threats on Science, Education and Culture in Israel

A One-on-One Conversation:

Prof. Varda Liberman, Provost, Reichman University

Prof. David Harel, President, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities; Israel Prize Laureate in Computer Science

MK Avigdor Lieberman
Former Minister of Defense, Finance, and Foreign Affairs of Israel; 
Head of Yisrael Beiteinu Party
In an interview with:
Tal Shalev, Political Correspondent, Walla!News


Terrorism as A Strategic Factor

Moderated Discussion:

Prof. Boaz Ganor,
President, Reichman University

Prof. Assaf Moghadam, Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Reichman University

Col. (ret.) Miri Eisin, Managing Director, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), Reichman University

Adv. Ofir Yehezkeli, Deputy Mayor of Kiryat Shmona

Moderator: Dr. Dana Wolf, Head of the Law and Security Program, Head of Diplomacy and Conflict Studies Track, Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategy, Reichman University

HuddleAi: Using AI to Predict and Analyze Sinwar’s Decisions

Prof. Alex Mintz, Director of the Computerized Decision-Making Lab; Former Provost, Reichman University

Israel and the Middle East: A Negative or Positive Horizon Forecast? And How Does the Palestinian Arena Impact It?

Moderated Discussion:

Dr. Eyal Hulata, Former Israel’s National Security Adviser, Head of the National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office; Senior Fellow, FDD (Foundation for the Defense of Democracies), Washington, D.C.

Abdalaziz Al-Khamis, Saudi Journalist; Middle East, Arabian Gulf and Islamic Movements Researcher; Facts4All​

Abdulla Al-Junaid, Geopolitics & Security Columnist, Bahrain​

Robert Greenway, Former Deputy Assistant to the U.S. President; Director, Allison Center for National Security, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC

Moderator: Ksenia Svetlova, Executive Director, ROPES; Senior Research Non-Resident Fellow, The Atlantic Council; Former Knesset Member

Lt. Gen. (res.) Benny Gantz
Head of The National Unity Party; Former Israeli War Cabinet Minister; Former Minister of Defense of Israel; The 20st IDF Chief of General Staff

Shouldering the Burden Equally –
Are We Really All in This Together?

Moderated Discussion:

Prof. Karine Nahon, Head of Data, Government and Democracy Program, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Reichman University

Eyal Naveh, Brothers in Arms  

Col. (res.) Nira Shpak, Former Member of the Israeli Knesset

Rabbi Dr. Moshe Kahan, Founder and CEO, Pardes Project

Prof. Yedidia Stern, President, Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) 

Moderator: Lior Akerman, Research Fellow, Head of the National Resilience Section, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Reichman University

The Future Battlefield

Maj. Gen. (res.) Michael (Miki) Edelstein
Executive Vice President of Strategy, Israel, Elbit Systems
In a conversation with:
Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead

Conference Moderator:
Roni (Fantanesh) Malkai, Lawyer and Activist, Author of Black Strength: Ethiopian Jews and the Journey to Equality





Strategic Discussions
(Roundtable Format)
Will be held parallel to the main assembly panels | June 25, 2024

10:00AM – 11:00AM
How Should Israel’s Internal Security be Restored and Rebuilt?
Chair: Lior Akerman, Research Fellow, Head of National Resilience Section, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Reichman University


MK Deputy Commissioner (ret.) Yoav Segalovich, Former Deputy Minister of
Internal Security

Deputy Commissioner (ret.) Meni Itzhaki, Former Head of Investigations and Intelligence, Israel Police 

Deputy Commissioner (ret.) David Tsur, Former Head of Israel’s Counter-Terror Unit; Former Head of the Israel Border Police; Former Commander of the Tel Aviv District, Israel Police

Deputy Commissioner (ret.) Ahroon Aksool, Former Commander of the Tel Aviv District, Head of Security and Policing Division, Israel Police

11:15AM – 12:30AM
The Iranian Nuclear Race – Are We At the Finish Line?
Chair: Dr. Shay Har-Zvi, Research Fellow, Head of the International and Middle East Arenas, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Reichman University


Sima Shine, Head of the Iran and the Shia Axis Program, Institute For National Security Studies (INSS)

Gideon Frank, Former Head of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission; Chairman of the Council, Technion

Dr. Ephraim Asculai, Former Senior Official at the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency

Amb. Jeremy Issacharoff, Former Israel's Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; Senior Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS),
Reichman University

Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Ephraim Sneh, Former Deputy Minister of Defense

01:15PM – 02:15PM
The War in Ukraine - Global Impact
In Cooperation with:
The European Leadership Network (ELNET)

Chair: Dr. Emmanuel Navon, CEO, ELNET Israel; International Relations Lecturer,
Tel Aviv University


H.E. Dr. Nina Nordström, Ambassador of Finland to Israel

Antonia Dimou, Director, Middle East and Persian Gulf Unit, Institute for Security and Defense Analysis, Greece

Shashank Joshi, The Economist‘s Defence Editor​

Dr. Arvid Bell, CEO, Negotiation Task Force (NTF); Lecturer on Government,
Harvard University
05:00PM – 06:00PM
The Role Played by the Business Sector in Generating Civil and National Resilience in an Era of Environment, Society, and Government
In Cooperation with:
The Arison Center for ESG, Reichman University

Chair: Mr. Yair Avidan, Chair of the Advisory Committee and Peers Forum, Arison Center for ESG, Reichman University; Former Supervisor of Banks, Bank of Israel


Adv. Linor Deutsch
, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Lobby 99 

Galit Cohen, Program Director, Climate Change and National Security (INSS)

Rani Amir, Senior Deputy Director General Nature Resources Planning and Climate Resilience, Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection

Dr. Amit Marmur, VP Sustainability and Safety, Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises

Noam Goldstein, Executive Vice President, Chief Risk Officer, ICL


Prof. Niron Hashai, Dean, Arison School of Business and Co-Academic Head of the Arison ESG Center, Reichman University

Dr. Moran Ofir, Senior Lecturer & Researcher, Reichman University

Prof. Eli Bukspan, Radzyner School of Law, Co-Academic Head of the Arison ESG Center, Reichman University

Dr. Ruth Dagan, Director of Climate Change and International Network, Arison Center for ESG, Reichman University