Conference Program
As of June 14


Strategic Discussions
(Roundtable Format)

 Tuesday, June 25, 2024 

10:00AM – 11:00AM
How Should Israel’s Internal Security be Restored and Rebuilt?
Chair: Lior Akerman, Research Fellow, Head of National Resilience Section, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Reichman University


MK Deputy Commissioner (ret.) Yoav Segalovich, Former Deputy Minister of
Internal Security

Deputy Commissioner (ret.) Meni Itzhaki, Former Head of Investigations and Intelligence, Israel Police 

Deputy Commissioner (ret.) David Tsur, Former Head of Israel’s Counter-Terror Unit; Former Head of the Israel Border Police; Former Commander of the Tel Aviv District, Israel Police

Deputy Commissioner (ret.) Ahroon Aksool, Former Commander of the Tel Aviv District, Head of Security and Policing Division, Israel Police

11:15AM – 12:30AM
The Iranian Nuclear Race – Are We At the Finish Line?
Chair: Dr. Shay Har-Zvi, Research Fellow, Head of the International and Middle East Arenas, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS), Reichman University


Sima Shine, Head of the Iran and the Shia Axis Program, Institute For National Security Studies (INSS)

Gideon Frank, Former Head of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission; Chairman of the Council, Technion

Dr. Ephraim Asculai, Former Senior Official at the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency

Amb. Jeremy Issacharoff, Former Israel's Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; Senior Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS),
Reichman University

Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Ephraim Sneh, Former Deputy Minister of Defense

01:15PM – 02:15PM
The War in Ukraine - Global Impact
In Cooperation with:
The European Leadership Network (ELNET)

Chair: Dr. Emmanuel Navon, CEO, ELNET Israel; International Relations Lecturer, Tel Aviv University


H.E. Dr. Nina Nordström, Ambassador of Finland to Israel

Antonia Dimou, Director, Middle East and Persian Gulf Unit, Institute for Security and Defense Analysis, Greece

Shashank Joshi, The Economist‘s Defence Editor​

Dr. Arvid Bell, CEO, Negotiation Task Force (NTF); Lecturer on Government,
Harvard University
05:00PM – 06:00PM
The Role Played by the Business Sector in Generating Civil and National Resilience in an Era of Environment, Society, and Government
In Cooperation with:
The Arison Center for ESG, Reichman University

Chair: Mr. Yair Avidan, Chair of the Advisory Committee and Peers Forum, Arison Center for ESG, Reichman University; Former Supervisor of Banks, Bank of Israel


Adv. Linor Deutsch
, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Lobby 99 

Galit Cohen, Program Director, Climate Change and National Security (INSS)

Rani Amir, Senior Deputy Director General Nature Resources Planning and Climate Resilience, Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection

Dr. Amit Marmur, VP Sustainability and Safety, Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises

Noam Goldstein, Executive Vice President, Chief Risk Officer, ICL


Prof. Niron Hashai, Dean, Arison School of Business and Co-Academic Head of the Arison ESG Center, Reichman University

Dr. Moran Ofir, Senior Lecturer & Researcher, Reichman University

Prof. Eli Bukspan, Radzyner School of Law, Co-Academic Head of the Arison ESG Center, Reichman University

Dr. Ruth Dagan, Director of Climate Change and International Network, Arison Center for ESG, Reichman University